My Offerings

Be strong then, and enter into your own body;
there you have a solid place for your feet.
— kabir


Fierce Passion has three pillars—embodiment (Presence), joy (Pleasure), and spirituality (Prayer). These provide a foundation that supports all aspects of our lives: joy, grief, work, play, sexuality, spirituality. Passion missing one of these pillars is unstable—it’s not something we can lean on; it can’t support the weight of our lives.

Unfortunately for many of us, our histories— including trauma, experiences living in bodies marginalized by society, upbringing, etc—can affect the strength of any of those pillars.

I offer tools to repair, reconstruct or build these pillars using Erotic Breathwork as the main healing modality. As a Sacred Somatic Storyteller, I help you unearth the stories your body is holding onto; jettison the ones that can no longer serve you, and review & reframe the others so that they do.

My offerings fall into four categories: Community Sessions, Group Journeys, Private Sessions, & Solo Journeys. You are not limited to working with me in only one capacity: many of my clients become students, and many students become clients; students have me do Private Sessions for their work; many attendees of the Community Sessions become clients, and attendance to the Community Sessions is included in the some of the Solo Journey programs.

Don’t be misled by the word “erotic”. While many people use it as a euphemism for “seggsual”, when I use it I mean it in the Audre Lorde sense: “I speak of the erotic as the deepest life force, a force which moves us toward living in a fundamental way.” For those that are allosexual (people who experience sexual attraction), that fundamental way absolutely includes seggsual expression—seggsual expression born out of an authentic connection to the Divine & a somatic understanding of pleasure as Sacred. But “erotic” is not interchangeable with “seggsual”.

An authentic relationship with your body, one that experiences all the physical pleasures the body is capable of without shame, is your Divine Birthright. I’m here to help you re/claim that right.



My main responsibility is to create & maintain a safe container for your journey. With that in mind I am committed to starting on time & ending on time. I am committed to being fully present during our time together. I am committed to setting & respecting appropriate boundaries. I am committed to hearing & respecting your “no”, as well as your “yes”. I am committed to following hygienic practices during any session involving touch.

You can expect me to use all of my skills & intuition in service to your energetic, spiritual, and physical bodies. You can expect me to tell the truth as I understand it. You can expect me to be your cheerleader, your advocate, your guide.

The focus of all our time together (individually or collectively) is your sensual, sexual, and erotic growth. All sessions are focused on your experience; my personal sexual needs are met elsewhere. I am not available for dating or f*cking clients or students. And while it's true that many of my acquaintances, friends, & colleagues have become clients, and many clients have moved on to become friends; there is a separation between my professional & personal lives. If you are an acquaintance, friend, or colleague of mine interested in my offerings, feel free to ask if you need further clarification.

I Offer A Special Invitation to The Following:


I offer special sessions for healers, who are too often not doing enough self-care to sustain their work, or have become distanced from their erotic energy. If you’re self-employed, individual 90mins sessions are 75% of your hourly rate (salaried healers get a flat discount on my regular rates). My next 5-week Group Journey “My Pleasure, My Power, My Practice: Erotic Embodiment For Healers” starts in summer of 2023.


I’ve been working with sexworkers for over a decade to keep the performative aspect of their job from dampening their authentic erotic & sexual expression. Individual online 90min sessions are available for 75% of your hourly rate. Once it’s safe to travel, I’m also available for in-person individual or group sessions in your city.

Slixa Escort Directory


I offer “Soul Sustenance Sessions” for Black folk organizing Black Lives Matter actions. These donation-based sessions are sacred space for you to receive pampering nurturance while releasing the grief & rage & exhaustion & hopelessness you may be carrying; an opportunity for you to re/connect with your erotic self, your deepest joy. A replenishing retreat for the radiant revolutionary. I also strongly encourage BIPoC (Black folk, Indigenous folk, and other People of Color) healers who've been supporting the protestors & organizers to schedule one of these sessions.


I work with artists in all mediums to amplify their creative energy and/or work through creative blocks by helping them strengthen the connection between erotic energy & creation. I’ve had musicians compose during individual sessions, and painters paint immediately after. My next 5 week course “My Ardor, My Authenticity, My Art: Erotic Embodiment for Creatives” starts in the fall of 2023.


Upcoming Events

“desire is a horse that wants to take you on a journey to spirit.”

—Malidoma patrice somé

With a few clearly stated exceptions my Community Sessions & Group Journeys are QTIBIPOC-Centered rather than QTIBIPOC-Exclusive. QTIBIPOC-Centered means that they are open to all; but the lives, desires, experiences, and safety of Queer & Trans People of Color are centered - Whiteness & Cisheterosexuality are not the "default human", and those experiences will not be centered at the expense of people living in bodies marginalized by The State. If you are White and/or Cishet, please be mindful of the ways that your privilege impacts the safety of others, and be mindful of whether you can be comfortable in an intimate setting when you are not in the majority & not considered the "default human". All types of bodies are welcome at my events: trans bodies, thin bodies, old bodies, cis bodies, intersex bodies, gender non-conforming bodies, currently-abled bodies, fat bodies, disabled bodies, young bodies, bodies of any class, religion, or spiritual tradition. While there's no way to guarantee that all bodies are represented at each event, it is my intention to have a diverse & welcoming space—so if you have problems being in community with any of the aforementioned types of bodies my events are not the right space for you.

Community sessions

“Breath Is The lubricant of the soul.”


Monthly free or low-cost Erotic Breathwork sessions & BiMonthly Moon Rituals. Community Sessions require pre-registration, but no other committment. Come to one or many, or all.


Black Breath Matters

1st Sundays 11am PST

Moonkin Ritual

New Moon, 5:30pm PST


Buddhole Breathing

3rd Sundays 11am PST

Moon Molt

Full Moon, 5:30pm PST

Community Sessions FAQ
What is Erotic Breathwork?

Breath is an anchor, a vehicle, a springboard. Breath is the glue that keeps us in our bodies & connects us deeply to those around us. Erotic Breathwork is a way of breathing that allows you to access your erotic energy, and harness it for transformative fuel. It is a series of "conscious breathing techniques": intentional ways of inhaling/exhaling in order to quiet the mind & let the body's wisdom come through.

Are there any Breathwork contra-indications?

Erotic Breathwork is not a substitute for diagnosis and/or treatment by a licensed health professional. While breathwork is an excellent way to manage some chronic pain issues, it can exacerbate some lung or heart issues. And although breathwork is an excellent way to manage stress, depression, anxiety, fear, and grief, it can also complicate some mental health issues. A more complete list of contraindications can be found on the registration signup page.

What happens in a Community Session?

While each of the three sessions are slightly different, they all begin & end the same way. We open with 3 shared breaths, a Land Acknowledgment, an Ancestor Invocation, and a Blessing. We end with optional sharing, the "one word poem", and 3 shared breaths.

Why is it called Buddhole Breathing?

Many of my friends & past students humourously refer to my form of Breathwork as Buddhole Breathing so I just decided to go with it. We tend to carry so much tension in our buddhole & pelvis and that affects our relationship to our sechsuality, and our sense of Self. Tension in our pelvis also makes it challenging to access & circulate our erotic energy, which is just another label for our life force. .

Who are these sessions for?

My sessions are for people who want to deepen their relationship with their body, their pleasure, and The Divine. Most of my sessions are QTIBIPOC-centered, rather than QTIBIPOC-exclusive. This means that cis-ness (agreeing with the gender designation you were given at birth) and heterosexuality are not “the default human”, and that those needs will not be catered to at the expense of people historically multiply-marginalized by The State. The needs, desires, safety, & blessed humanity of Queer/SGL Black, Indigenous, & other People of color are the focus & the foundation of these sessions. If you are white and/or straight & can roll with not being centered and possibly not being in the majority of attendees, you are more than welcome.

Who are these sessions not for?

My sessions are not for folx harboring a hierarchical value system for human bodies’ worth. This is not a space for people invested in isms/phobia (including the less commonly mentioned ones: transphobia/erasure; anti-sexworker beliefs/equating sexwork with sex-trafficking; fatphobia).

How should I prepare?

The sessions will be held on Zoom. If you don’t already have it, you can download it here. You’ll want the best sound possible, This usually means headphones/earbuds & wired internet. WiFi & a speaker can work just fine depending on the strength of your connection and the quality of your speaker.

You want to be somewhere comfortable without a lot of bright light. You should have on non-restrictive clothing (if you’d like to be nude—a great option!—you can do so after the break), a blanket, some water, something to write/take notes with/on/in (or art supplies), whatever cushions you need to be comfortable, and possibly some tissues.

You’ll receive a more detailed email before the session.

How many people are in a session?

With the exception of the QTIBIPOC New Moon Ritual (which is limited to 15), there is no limit to how many people may join a session. The interactions between attendees is kept to a minimum, you are on your own intimate journey, in your own private bubble. But all of us together create a CyberCircle of Healing that we simultaneously contribute to & withdraw from during the session. Community is created in many ways and just being together, feeling all of your emotions, and sharing breath is one way.

Why are some of the Community Sessions only for certain types of people?

White Supremacy & Heteronormativity are toxic societal ills that poison us all. However those who are "racialized" or othered due to gender are affected in ways not shared by those in the dominant culture. Having space outside of the dominant culture where we can just be without being subject to the dominant gaze or sterotyped expectations is the first step in being able to release some of our energetic armor. If you are an anti-racist or queer accomplice (accomplices are needed more than allies), the best way to support justice in this context would be to spread the word and/or financially support this work. Click here to find out how to do so.

Should I come to a Community Session, or choose a Solo Journey instead?

You don't actually have to decide between them. Many of my individual clients also come to Community Sessions. And if you are doing a Solo Journey, Pleasure Pod, or Solo Stimulation Support, your entry to any of the Community Sessions is included (provided you fall within the appropriate demographics). The Community Sessions don't require any commitment between them, you can attend once a month, once a quarter, once a year, whenever is convenient (however the more regularly you come, the more you'll get out of them).


Group Journeys

“Pleasure Is The Physical Manifestation of Joy.”

—cherie carter-scotT

A mix of pre-recorded content & content shared in real-time, using Erotic Breathwork as a core modality. Some Group Journeys are only one session, others are multi-sessions. Coming together around a common goal allows you to move deeper, more quickly because of the diversity of viewpoints & experiences.


Because we’ll be in an intimate space, the multi-session group journeys involve an application process which includes a chat with me about your goals & how/if the particular CyberCourse will help you meet them.

Once registration has opened for a particular Group Journey, you’ll see a button to click for more info.

Breathwork & Bumholes

March 2023

Compost & Conjure

12/30/2023 & 12/31/2023

My Power, My Pleasure, My Practice

Erotic Embodiment 4 Healers

5 week CyberCourse


My Authenticity, My Ardor, My Art

Erotic Embodiment 4 Artists

5 week CyberCourse

Group Journeys FAQ
What is Erotic Breathwork?

Breath is an anchor, a vehicle, a springboard. Breath is the glue that keeps us in our bodies & connects us deeply to those around us. Erotic Breathwork is a way of breathing that allows you to access your erotic energy, and harness it for transformative fuel. It is a series of "conscious breathing techniques": intentional ways of inhaling/exhaling in order to quiet the mind & let the body's wisdom come through.

Are there any Breathwork contra-indications?

Erotic Breathwork is not a substitute for diagnosis and/or treatment by a licensed health professional. While breathwork is an excellent way to manage some chronic pain issues, it can exacerbate some lung or heart issues. And although breathwork is an excellent way to manage stress, depression, anxiety, fear, and grief, it can also complicate some mental health issues. A more complete list of contraindications can be found on the registration signup page.

Why are there different fees for the same event?

Instead of a sliding scale I have 3 different payment tiers. All tiers give access to the same information/attention at the events. There is nothing you have to prove to me about your financial situation, I don't ask for your tax returns or pay stubs. I simply ask that you do some honest reflection about your current financial reality from a mindset of abundance rather than one of scarcity & then choose the tier meets that reality.  The tiers are named as they are to reflect the amount of “green” you have access to. The Meadow Tier is my “market rate”; Garden Tier is for those for whom market rate would be a hardship; and Savanna Tier is for those with abundant discretionary income.

The ticketing app that I use charges a fee (pretty much all online ticketing apps do). For the Meadow & Savanna Tiers, the fees are included in the rates listed. For the Garden Tier, I absorb the fee.

How do I know which Tier I should use?

Choose Savanna Tier

if more than one of the following is true for you:

  • You have inherited wealth or a large discretionary budget.

  • You own your own home or rent a high-end property.

  • You own more than one home.

  • You have investments, retirement accounts, or inherited money.

  • You are unemployed or underemployed by choice.


Choose Meadow Tier

if you can comfortably invest in your own personal growth without negative financial repercussions, even if you have to make some sacrifices here & there (sacrifice is different from hardship).


Choose Garden Tier

if more than one of the following is true for you:

  • You are on a limited or stretched budget. 

  • You have no savings.

  • You have dependents or significant debt that sometimes prevents you making ends meet.

  • You receive public assistance. 

  • You are unemployed or underemployed.


If you have wealth, I ask you to consider paying at the Savanna tier to support this work & the community of folx who desire it. Your payment at this tier allows me to offer low cost or free events to women in Belize, and offer free practice groups to QTPOC internationally.

If you have wealth, I ask you to consider paying at the Savanna tier to support this work & the community of folx who desire it. Your payment at this tier allows me to offer low cost or free events to women in Belize, and offer free practice groups to QTPOC internationally.

How many people are in each CyberCourse?

One-day Group Journeys have no limit on attendees. For serial Group Journeys, there is a limit of 15-25 people. depending on the course.

I won’t be able to make each session, is that ok??

I’ve designed these courses to integrate flexibly into busy lives and schedules. Because they’re an online course, all of our course sessions will be recorded, so you can always listen later if you can’t make a session live. You’ll also be able to tailor your practice activities in between course sessions to the schedule that works best for you because our course interactions will all take place online. Whether you’re on vacation, at home, or out working at a coffee shop, the course contents and platform will be accessible you.

What kind of environment do you create?

I pay a lot of attention to the careful creation of containers, in which bodies can feel safe enough and relax enough to speak openly. Personally, I am non-judgmental, super accepting, and kind. I expect all the participants in this group to be so as well. It is a risk for everyone to show up vulnerably, and trust the group to hold them, so we will do our very best to make sure you are well met. If anything comes up that is distressing to someone in the group, every effort will be made to ensure they feel safe and welcome, even if at a growth edge. I do distinguish between safety and comfort, and know that most of our profound transformative learning comes at that intersection.

What's your refund policy?

Barring medical emergencies, there are no refunds given. The group journeys are designed for folks who are ready to make a serious transformation in their lives, and the financial commitment is an important component of sticking with yourself. And really, the journeys are worth a lot more than what I’m charging, and it's a big pain in the butt to deal with refunds. That said, if you go all of the way through any serial course, come to all of the calls and complete all of the assignments and you end up not feeling like you got absolutely no value out of it, I'll split the difference with you, and send you half of what you paid.

Private Sessions

“There Is Deep Wisdom Within Our Very Flesh.”


Customized workshops for your private circle; whether that's your partner(s), your heartcircle, your students & faculty, your membership, or your staff and/or board.


Currently all of my Private Sessions happen online. In 2022 I will be open to the idea of in-person events.

I work with universities, corporations, non-profits, volunteer groups, bridal parties, etc. The size of the organization is not important, the intention & commitment of the stakeholders (however you define them) is. Most Private Session fees are based on variables such as anticipated attendance & organizational budget.

The Team-Building sessions are a more rational alternative to the usual sort of rope-bridges & Trust Falls. using breath, movement & eye-gazing.


Company Coalescence

Team Building for Organizations


Academic Acuity

For Academic Institutions


Troupe Transcendence

Wellness Workshops for Groups


Pleasure Pod

Intimacy Enhancement For Dyads/Triads


If you're interested in more information, please fill out the form & I'll get back to you within 24 hours.

Solo Journeys

“The Body Always Leads Us Home.”

— pat ogden

Using the breath as the main healing modality, Solo Journeys provide you with individual customized guidance to help you heal your erotic wounds, harness your erotic energy for transformative fuel, and live the erotic and sexual life you’ve always wanted.


Solo Journeys are for those who need more tailored guidance on their path to erotic liberation. Instead of group work, these sessions involve just you & me, and are designed to support your specific needs.

I’ve been offering online coaching since 2017. I am well-versed in how to adapt embodiment work for the online environment. It is very much possible to have the same kind of authenticity, vulnerability, and deep healing without us being in the same physical space.


Oshun’s Oasis

5 weekly Erotic Breathwork Sessions


Respiration’s Roots

1 Private Erotic Breathwork Instruction Session



CoCreated To Process Transitions

Wanna know more?
Solo Journeys FAQ
What is Erotic Breathwork?

Breath is an anchor, a vehicle, a springboard. Breath is the glue that keeps us in our bodies & connects us deeply to those around us. Erotic Breathwork is a way of breathing that allows you to access your erotic energy, and harness it for transformative fuel. It is a series of "conscious breathing techniques": intentional ways of inhaling/exhaling in order to quiet the mind & let the body's wisdom come through.

Are there any Breathwork contra-indications?

Erotic Breathwork is not a substitute for diagnosis and/or treatment by a licensed health professional. While breathwork is an excellent way to manage some chronic pain issues, it can exacerbate some lung or heart issues. And although breathwork is an excellent way to manage stress, depression, anxiety, fear, and grief, it can also complicate some mental health issues. A more complete list of contraindications can be found on the registration signup page.

What's the difference between Oshun's Oasis & Respiration's Roots?

Simplistically, it’s the difference between “coaching” and “instruction for DIY”.

The Oshun’s Oasis are 5 sessions of Breathwork Coaching. All you have to do is show-up to each session. You’ll get a workbook & some personalized mp3 for you to use afterwords. The Respiration’s Roots session is a private Erotic Breathwork Instruction session intended for you to create Breathwork sessions for your individual healing journey.

How do I decide between the Community Sessions & a Solo Journey?

You don't actually have to decide between them. Many of my individual clients also come to Community Sessions. And if you are doing a Solo or Partner Journey, your entry to any of the Community Sessions is included (provided you fall within the appropriate demographics). The Community Sessions don't require any ongoing commitment; you can attend once a month, once a quarter, once a year, whenever is convenient (however the more regularly you come, the more you'll get out of them).

Do you take insurance?

I do not take insurance.

Do you offer discounts?

I generally offer a discount to sexworkers & other healers only.

I want my work to be as accessible as possible in as sustainable a manner as possible. If the cost alone would prevent you from a Solo Journey, let's chat about ways to make it doable for both of us. I offer payment plans, limited bartering, and take on 1-3 clients pro-bono a year.  


For Returning Clients & Students


Breathwork & Bumholes

Erotic Practice Group

Self-Pleasuring Shift

3 weekly 60min Guided Masturbation Sessions

Transcendent Tune-Up

A 90min session to address whatever you wish.

Cawo’s Chrysalis

A “Deep Dive” of 6 biweekly 90min sessions