“In this here place, we flesh; flesh that weeps, laughs; flesh that dances on bare feet in grass. Love it. Love it hard.”
FiercePassions is a CyberTemple, An Erotic Body Ministry, A Mystery School. It is a platform for inspiring, educating, and gathering those wishing to deepen their connection to Eros. Our collective erotic liberation depends on our individual erotic liberation—a shedding of the damaging & dehumanizing messages about pleasure that we’ve been indoctrinated in and an embracing of our connection to Eros & to one another. It’s a resource for your path to your erotic liberation, offering support to transform your relationship with your body & with The Divine (however you define that for yourself). In concrete terms this means that on this site you will find group intensives, individual sessions, instructional videos, ecourses, guided visualizations, blog posts, conversations, live ritual events, and more.
I’m your host, M’kali-Hashiki (em-KAH-lee-HAH-she-kee): a Sacred Somatic Storyteller & Renegade Sexual Mystic. Welcome to my home on the web.
As you browse the site, you may notice some words are spelled strangely. Since the passage of the misogynistic SESTA/FOSTA act, many internet entities are engaged in a frightening form of censorship around anything related to sechsuality. Facists are pretending that it's a moral issue, but it's actually just a visible expression of oppression which will negatively affect the most marginalized amongst us. To ensure that we don’t wake up one day & find our sites disappeared, I and other folx working in this area are using alternative spellings. If a word looks odd to you, try sounding it out.