solo journeys
“The Body Always Leads Us Home.”
— pat ogden
Using the breath as the main healing modality, Solo Journeys provide you with individual customized guidance to help you heal your erotic wounds, harness your erotic energy for transformative fuel, and live the erotic and sexual life you’ve always wanted.
I’ve been offering online coaching since 2017. I am well-versed in how to adapt embodiment work for the online environment. It is very much possible to have the same kind of authenticity, vulnerability, and deep healing without us being in the same physical space.
Oshun’s Oasis
Respiration’s Roots
Cyber Ceremony
Savanna Tier=$680 Meadow Tier=$545
Garden Tier=$346
Breath is an anchor, a vehicle, a springboard. Breath is the glue that keeps us in our bodies & connects us deeply to those around us. Erotic Breathwork is a way of breathing that allows you to access your erotic energy, and harness it for transformative fuel. It is a series of "conscious breathing techniques": intentional ways of inhaling/exhaling in order to quiet the mind & let the body's wisdom come through.
Erotic Breathwork is not a substitute for diagnosis and/or treatment by a licensed health professional. While breathwork is an excellent way to manage some chronic pain issues, it can exacerbate some lung or heart issues. And although breathwork is an excellent way to manage stress, depression, anxiety, fear, and grief, it can also complicate some mental health issues. If you are concerned that it breathwork might be risky given your health situation, please let me know your conditions upfront & we can discuss it.
Instead of a sliding scale I have 3 different payment tiers. All tiers give access to the same information/attention at the events. There is nothing you have to prove to me about your financial situation, I don't ask for your tax returns or pay stubs. I simply ask that you do some honest reflection about your current financial reality from a mindset of abundance rather than one of scarcity & then choose the tier meets that reality. The tiers are named as they are to reflect the amount of “green” you have access to. The Meadow Tier is my “market rate”; Garden Tier is for those for whom market rate would be a hardship; and Savanna Tier is for those with abundant discretionary income.
If you have wealth, I ask you to consider paying at the Savanna tier to support this work & the community of folx who desire it. Your payment at this tier allows me to continue to sustainably offer low cost or free events.
Choose Savanna Tier
if more than one of the following is true for you:
You have a large discretionary budget.
You own your own home or rent a high-end property.
You own more than one home.
You have investments, retirement accounts, or inherited money.
You are unemployed or underemployed by choice.
You travel frequently for recreation.
You have access to family money and resources in times of need.
You have a relatively high degree of earning power due to level of education (or gender and racial privilege, class background, etc.) even if you are not currently exercising your earning power.
You want to financially support making this work financially accessible for others.
Choose Meadow Tier
if you can comfortably invest in your own personal growth without negative financial consequences, even if you have to make some sacrifices here & there (sacrifice is different from hardship).
Choose Garden Tier
if more than one of the following is true for you:
You are on a limited or stretched budget.
You have no savings.
You have dependents or significant debt that sometimes prevents you making ends meet.
You receive public assistance.
You are unemployed or underemployed.
You have medical expenses not covered by insurance
You are eligible for public assistance
You have immigration-related expenses
You are an elder with limited financial support
You are an unpaid community organizer
You are a returning citizen who has been denied work due to incarceration history
These are simply guides to what I feel is an ethical way of making my work as financially accessible as possible. Pay what feels right given your situation.
Examples taken from Little Red Botanicals
Simplistically, it’s the difference between “coaching” and “instruction for DIY”.
The Oshun’s Oasis are 5 sessions of Breathwork Coaching. All you have to do is show-up to each session. You’ll get a workbook & some personalized mp3 for you to use afterwords. The Respiration’s Roots session is a private Erotic Breathwork Instruction session intended for you to create Breathwork sessions for your individual healing journey.
You don't actually have to decide between them. Many of my individual clients also come to Community Sessions. And if you are doing a Solo or Partner Journey, your entry to any of the Community Sessions is included (provided you fall within the appropriate demographics). The Community Sessions don't require any ongoing commitment; you can attend once a month, once a quarter, once a year, whenever is convenient (however the more regularly you come, the more you'll get out of them).
I do not take insurance.
I generally offer a discount to sexworkers, BLM organizers & other healers only.
I want my work to be as accessible as possible in as sustainable a manner as possible. If the cost alone would prevent you from a Solo Journey, let's chat about ways to make it doable for both of us. I offer payment plans, limited bartering, and take on 1-3 clients pro-bono a year.
All clients who want to engage in the work of transforming their erotic & sexual lives are welcome. Regardless of ability, gender, spiritual tradition, sexual orientation or preference, sexuality, or relationship orientation or preference.
I do not offer sessions to those who are looking for “fantasy experiences” rather than the work of actual transformation. I will not work with T.R.A.S.H. people (transphobic, racist, ableist, sexist, or homophobic).
While I believe that sexwork is work & is a legitimate occupation, I do not offer sexwork services. I will not be nude with you, ever. I’m not being coy, I’m not trying to get around censors, I just truly, really, actually do not offer those types of services.
If you’re looking for mutual nudity & mutual masturbation, please look elsewhere. If you think it is appropriate to show up at an introductory session fully or partially nude without first asking for and receiving my consent (which you will not receive), you are not someone I want to work with. I will not accept as a client anyone who repeatedly violates my clearly stated boundaries.
However if you are a straight man wanting to do the work to transform your erotic, spirtual, and/or sex life within a co-created boundaried container, I welcome you.
I’m sorry that this note is necessary, but every single straight man who has contacted me has behaved extremely inappropriately somewhere along the line.