Fierce Passion has three pillars—embodiment (Presence), joy without guilt or shame (Pleasure), and connection to Spirituality (Prayer). These provide a foundation that supports all aspects of our lives: joy, grief, work, play, sexuality, spirituality. Passion missing one of these pillars is unstable—it’s not something we can lean on; it can’t support the weight of our lives.
Unfortunately for many of us, our histories— including trauma, experiences living in bodies marginalized by society, upbringing, etc—can affect the strength of any of those pillars.
I offer tools to repair, reconstruct or build these pillars using Erotic Breathwork as the main healing modality. As a Sacred Somatic Storyteller, I help you unearth the stories your body is holding onto; jettison the ones that can no longer serve you, and review & reframe the others so that they do.
My offerings fall into four categories: Community Sessions (free or low-cost monthly drop-in group sessions), Group Journeys (5 week CyberCourses or 2-part rituals), Private Sessions (for organizations, groups, couples & triads), & Solo Journeys (individual coaching or rituals). You are not limited to working with me in only one capacity: many of my clients become students, and many students become clients; students have me do Private Sessions for their work; many attendees of the Community Sessions become clients, and attendance to the Community Sessions is included in the some of the Solo Journey programs.
Don’t be misled by the word “erotic”. While many people use it as a euphemism for “seggsual”, when I use it I mean it in the Audre Lorde sense: “I speak of the erotic as the deepest life force, a force which moves us toward living in a fundamental way.” For those that are allosexual (people who experience sexual attraction), that fundamental way absolutely includes seggsual expression—seggsual expression born out of an authentic connection to the Divine & a somatic understanding of pleasure as Sacred. But “erotic” is not interchangeable with “seggsual”.
An authentic relationship with your body, one that experiences all the physical pleasures the body is capable of without shame, is your Divine Birthright. I’m here to help you re/claim that right.
I Offer A Special Invitation To:
BLM Activists
My main responsibility is to create & maintain a safe container for your journey. With that in mind I am committed to starting on time & ending on time. I am committed to being fully present during our time together. I am committed to setting & respecting appropriate boundaries. I am committed to hearing & respecting your “no”, as well as your “yes”. I am committed to following hygienic practices during any session involving touch.
You can expect me to use all of my skills & intuition in service to your energetic, spiritual, and physical bodies. You can expect me to tell the truth as I understand it. You can expect me to be your cheerleader, your advocate, your guide.
The focus of all our time together (individually or collectively) is your sensual, sexual, and erotic growth. All sessions are focused on your experience; my personal sexual needs are met elsewhere. I am not available for dating or f*cking (or mutual nudity or masturbation with) clients or students. And while it's true that many of my acquaintances, friends, & colleagues have become clients, and many clients have moved on to become friends; there is a separation between my professional & personal lives. If you are an acquaintance, friend, or colleague of mine interested in my offerings, feel free to ask if you need further clarification (note: contact me through my biz email, not through my personal phone/email/messenger/IG/whatsapp).
“I found the workshop to be surprisingly serene, replenishing, safe, & transformative.”