“we are dancing through each other as doorways.”
Maisha Aza
“I am a woman of many talents and one big vision - to assist people in their journey of self-discovery, self-healing and transformation through sacred sexuality and sexual healing.”
EroSomatic Arts Collective
Liberating Bodies Through Radical Pleasure
“An intentionally multi-racial, multi-gendered, and multi-cultural group of queer erotic educators, artists, conjurers, practitioners, sacred intimates, and tricksters. We understand the body as a laboratory for transformation and erotic energy as a source of power and healing.”
Sexological Bodywork
Everything you need to know about the profession of Sexological Bodywork.
Uses of the Erotic: the Erotic As Power
Audre Lorde's ground-breaking essay on the importance of the erotic, I have adopted as my own professional & personal manifesto. The link goes to a youtube of Lorde reading an early version of this essay. The final version is published in Sister Outsider, and you can also purchase a stand-alone version of the published piece, but I refuse to place a link to Amazon on my site.
A link to a youtube video of Ibrahim Baba/Dr. Elias Farajaje-Jones' Plenary speech at the 1995 Creating Change™ conference. His words, along with Lorde's, form the foundation of my understanding of the political necessities of this work, and explain why I am so passionate in my conviction that this work is tied to the all the struggles for Justice. (his speech starts at 3:55)
Sacred Sexuality
A site where you can read about tantra yoga, karezza, and other forms of sex worship.
Beautiful Agony
An absolutely wonderful resource. See videos of people's faces as they masturbate to orgasm. You can also watch interviews with them about their experience of filming themselves engaging in this private act.
Sexual Shaman Seminars
Dr. Kenneth Ray Stubbs' site dedicated to sexual energy. Yours truly is in "The Path of the Sexual Shaman".
Polyamourous-Friendly Professionals
Exactly what it says it is, a list of professionals who are open-minded about polyamory and polyamorous issues.
Beautiful Cervix Project
Pictures of cervixes during various phases of the menstrual cycle, pictures of cervixes of women of different ages, pictures of cervixes with polyps.
National Coalition for Sexual Freedom
The NCSF is committed to creating a political, legal and social environment in the US that advances equal rights for consenting adults who engage in alternative sexual and relationship expressions.
Coalition for Positive Sexuality
Provide teens with candid sex education materials.
Another site dedicated to providing accurate & candid sex education for youth.