All you need is a relaxed breath & butthole
— M'kali-Hashiki

What is your relationship to your body right now?

Do you have trouble staying present? Do you often feel at odds with your body as if the two of you were on different pages? Is unwanted & unhelpful dissassociation a problem for you? Disassociation has its uses & is a healthy reaction to some trauma, here I’m speaking of the type of disassociation that is an obstacle to the erotic life you long for.


What is your relationship to your pleasure?

Do you have trouble actually feeling pleasure? Do you have trouble feeling pleasure anywhere but your genitals/erogenous zones? Or vice versa, only able to feel pleasure in your genitals/erogenous zones but unsure what physical pleasure feels like if it’s not part of a sexual escapade? Do you feel guilty or ashamed when you do feel pleasure?


What is your relationship to The Divine?

Do you feel disconnected from Spirit? Do you long for a visceral connection to your ancestors? Do you think that spiritual development must exist separately from your sexual development & expression?

What would it feel like to be here, now, fully at home in your body? What would your life be like if you understood physical pleasure as something you were entitled to by right of just having a body? What would be different if you understood your physical pleasure as a conduit to & honoring of The Divine?

In a world suffused in White Supremacy, that dehumanizes us, strips our bodies of their sacred meaning, and disconnects us from our lineages, it can be challenging to live from those understandings. Other traumas can weaken any or all of these understandings, isolating us from ourselves, from one another, and from our inherent power; denying us the authentic relationships with Self & The Divine that are the cornerstones of a connected, collective, collaborative, creative existence: one that affirms & celebrates the validity of all bodies.

And let’s be honest, given the implosion of late-stage Capitalism, global pandemics (the current ones & those on the horizon), and the impacts of climate change; it can be so challenging to get out of our heads & back into our bodies. We all need support to stay anchored & connected. We all need support to intentionally make space for pleasure.

So how do we do this?

All you need is a relaxed breath & butthole.

I say this a lot, it’s almost become a joke between me & some of my former clients & students. But what does it mean?

Think about how you felt during our work together, whether that was individual coaching, one of the Community Sessions, or one of the CyberCourses or in-person classes. What did you experience in your bodies (emotional, physical, spiritual) right after The Big Draw?

You already somatically know the truth of what this means.

But let me speak to your mind for a bit: The breath has the power to transform our consciousness, to transform the plane that we operate on, to transform what the body is capable of (looking at you martial artists, athletes, singers, yogis, and wind instrument players). The bumhole is the body’s GPS: it lets us know which directions we need to be moving away from, which direction we need to be moving towards based on the tension or relaxation; and the bumhole is also very close to our gut which is itself a site of knowledge, especially for those of us who live in bodies that are marginalized or multiply marginalized by The State. How often do we say “I felt in my gut.” or “I knew it in my gut.” and really mean that we have the deepest level of understanding of something?

The butthole is one of the portals to knowing and the mouth is the portal of consciousness (via the breath)—knowing and consciousness are not the same thing. In this practice group we’re going to take the portal to knowing & the portal to concsciousness and practice connecting the two in order to transform our relationship with our bodies, to transform our relationship with our pleasure, and to transform our relationship with the divine. 


Strengthening our connection to self & others.

The benefit of taking transformative steps in community with others cannot be overstated. Healing together allows us to more quickly reframe our understanding of our body, our sexual expression, our spirituality, and the sacredness of the entirety of our physical container. The myth of individualism—one of the foundational tenets of White Supremacy—is killing us; figuratively & literally. A community of people exploring & expressing the divinity of their body & the sacredness of pleasure is a thorn in the side of the death cult of late stage capitalism that we find ourselves in.


The Logistics

We’ll circle on Zoom on the 2nd Sunday of the month @ 12PST. Please note that if live in a locale that does not observe Daylight Savings Time the starting time will an hour later for you November-March. It will be recorded (my face/voice only) and you will have access to it for the duration of your time in the cycle.

In between sessions, you’ll receive a weekly email with prompts for journal or creative reflection; and/or exercises to do on your own. The prompts will be pre-recorded, but not “canned”, meaning each cycle some prompts will be based on what that cycle’s members are bringing forward.

We’ll have a private forum to stay connected between sessions. This will be the place to post our observations on the prompts, to ask questions, to share our journeys & any epiphanies along the way. Participation in the forum is an important part of the practice. Your sharing could be life-altering for another participant, and someone else’s sharing might provide the key to unlock a whole new way of being.



The cycle


1st Month: Presence

2nd Month: Pleasure

3rd Month: Prayer

This group is ongoing, but based on a 4 month cycle.

The first month of each cycle will always be focused on Presence. How do we stay connected to & anchored in our body? How do we do that without shaming ourselves for the challenges that we’ve had in the past, for the messages that we may have taken in but know don’t serve us?

The second month will always be focused on Pleasure. The body is a site of pleasure, how do we access that pleaure without guilt or shame? How do we experience that pleasure & still stay grounded in the here & now? We’ll be focusing on self-pleasure (what you get up to with your partner or partners is not the focus although exercises with partners may be part of the prompts).

The third month will always be focused on Prayer: developing & strengthening our communication with The Divine in an embodied way. While the phrase “The spirit is sacred, the flesh is profane” has a decidedly Christian flavor to it, similar beliefs can be found in the mainstream versions of other faiths. But here in this CyberTemple, we take that a rejection of the Infinite Wisdom of The Divine, “blasphemy” if you will. You do not have to reject the flesh in order to deepen your spiritual skills, in fact being anchored in the flesh allows you a deeper connection to The Divine. The exercises & prompts for this month will be based in that understanding.

The fourth month is Integration. We will not meet on Zoom, but each week you’ll receive a prompt designed to support integration of the previous three months.

The cycle will then repeat, the sessions & prompts may or may not, depending on the interest of the current participants & whatever Spirit has downloaded to me on any given day. Remember that repeating an exercise allows you to go deeper into the experience & bring back even more necessary information. So you can choose to stay for another cycle at a 33% discount off your initial investment (which will become your regular price for any subsequent cycles).


POSSIBLE Exercises

  • Jumper-Cable (opening the conduits between energy portals)

  • Use Erotic energy to fuel spiritual journeying

  • Butthole meditations

  • Butthole self-massage



This is not a class, this is not a 101-level experience. While this offering is focused on those who are already familiar with my work (or have experience with similar work), folx who feel called but who have no experience are also welcome (there will be some catch up work assigned prior to the first session). This offering is for those who desire to be in a joyful QTIBIPOC-centered community with radical & intersectional politics that is focused on our commitment to juicy, authentic, living to the best of our ability.



Registration Rates

Instead of a sliding scale I have 3 different payment tiers. All tiers give access to the same information/attention. There is nothing you have to prove to me about your financial situation, I don't ask for your tax returns or pay stubs. I simply ask that you do some honest reflection about your current financial reality from a mindset of abundance rather than one of scarcity & then choose the tier meets that reality. 

The tiers are named as they are to reflect the amount of “green” you have access to. The Meadow Tier is my “market rate”; Garden Tier is for those for whom market rate would be a hardship; and Savanna Tier is for those with abundant discretionary income. Paying Savanna Tier supports my ability to work with those with less financial resources, as well as continue to offer free sessions globally to BIPOC.

Savanna Tier $378/cycle

Meadow Tier $302/cycle

Garden Tier $192/cycle

Payment plans, limited Pay-What-You-Can &
limited work-trade slots available.
Contact Me For More Information

Registration fee includes

  • 3 monthly 90hr Zoom gatherings

  • a private non-Facebook forum

  • 13 weekly email prompts

  • pre-recorded content (mp3s and/or video)


In Case You FOrgot:

I’m M’kali-Hashiki, and I’ve been engaged in healing work in one way or another my entire adult life—professionally since 2004. I’m a Certified Sexological Bodyworker; a Certified Sound, Voice, & Music Healer; and a Certified Tantric Sacred Intimate. I offer group intensives, and erotic empowerment coaching for individuals, couples, and triads. Learn more about me as a person in the video. Learn more about my experience & philosophy here.