birthday breathwork bounty
“Anal breathing is the new black.”
I turn 50 on November 21st, and I want to give you a present!
Passion's Breath
Passion is a key component in healthy relationships: whether it's the relationship we have with ourself, the relationships we have with our loved ones & colleagues, or the relationship we have with The Divine. Passion is also an energy source: the fire that feeds the work we do in the world.
When we don't have access to that renewable fuel, we "burn out," we get "writer's block," our work lives are stagnant, our sex lives are unsatisfactory, our love lives are dreary and draining, we are unable to see the sacred in ourselves and others. We start "going through the motions" rather than being plugged in and engaged in this journey and adventure we call life.
So how do we re/connect with Passion? The breath is one way.
In this online "breathwork intro" you will learn 3 breathing techniques to access your passion, so that you can embody eros in all parts of your life. These techniques will help you become more fully grounded in your body, access & circulate your erotic energy, & commune deeply with The Divine. These techniques are easy to learn, and can be adapted for many body types, situations & intentions.
50 minutes for $50
Only valid for November sessions.