community sessions FAQ
While each of the three sessions are slightly different, they all begin & end the same way. We open with 3 shared breaths, a Land Acknowledgment, an Ancestor Invocation, and a Blessing. We end with optional sharing, the "one word poem", and 3 shared breaths.
Many of my past students humourously refer to my form of Breathwork as Buττhole Breathing so I just decided to go with it. We tend to carry so much tension in our buττhole & pelvis and that affects our relationship to our sechsuality, and our sense of Self. Tension in our pelvis also makes it challenging to access & circulate our erotic energy, which is just another label for our life force. .
Most of my are QTIBIPOC-centered, rather than QTIBIPOC-exclusive. This means that cis-ness (agreeing with the gender designation you were given at birth) and heterosexuality are not “the default human”, and that those needs will not be catered to at the expense of people historically multiply-marginalized by The State. The needs, desires, safety, & blessed humanity of Queer/SGL Black, Indigenous, & other People of color are the focus & the foundation of these sessions. If you are white and/or straight & can roll with not being centered and possibly not being in the majority of attendees, you are more than welcome.
My sessions are not for folx harboring a hierarchical value system for human bodies’ worth. This is not a space for people invested in isms/phobia (including the less commonly mentioned ones: transphobia/erasure; anti-sexworker beliefs/equating sexwork with sex-trafficking; fatphobia).
The sessions will be held on Zoom. If you don’t already have it, you can download it here. You’ll want the best sound possible, This usually means headphones/earbuds & wired internet. WiFi & a speaker can work just fine depending on the strength of your connection and the quality of your speaker.
You want to be somewhere comfortable without a lot of bright light. You should have on non-restrictive clothing (if you’d like to be nude—a great option!—you can do so after the break), a blanket, some water, something to write/take notes with/on/in (or art supplies), whatever cushions you need to be comfortable, and possibly some tissues.
You’ll receive a more detailed email before the session.
With the exception of the QTIBIPOC New Moon Ritual (which is limited to 15), there is no limit to how many people may join a session. The interactions between attendees is kept to a minimum, you are on your own intimate journey, in your own private bubble. But all of us together create a CyberCircle of Healing that we simultaneously contribute to & withdraw from during the session. Community is created in many ways and just being together, feeling all of your emotions, and sharing breath is one way.
White Supremacy & Heteronormativity are toxic societal ills that poison us all. However those who are "racialized" or othered due to gender are affected in ways not shared by those in the dominant culture. Having space outside of the dominant culture where we can just be without being subject to the dominant gaze or sterotyped expectations is the first step in being able to release some of our energetic armor. If you are an anti-racist or queer accomplice (accomplices are needed more than allies), the best way to support justice in this context would be to spread the word and/or financially support this work. Click here to find out how to do so.
You don't actually have to decide between them. Many of my individual clients also come to Community Sessions. And if you are doing a Solo Journey, Pleasure Pod, or Solo Stimulation Support, your entry to any of the Community Sessions is included (provided you fall within the appropriate demographics). The Community Sessions don't require any commitment between them, you can attend once a month, once a quarter, once a year, whenever is convenient (however the more regularly you come, the more you'll get out of them).