A relaxed breath and butthole is all you’ll ever need.
— M'kali-Hashiki

Did you get really inspired to create a regular Erotic Breathwork practice right after my workshop, webinar, cybercourse, or individual sessions? Did you do it regularly & then kinda peter out? Do you have a regular morning Erotic Breathwork practice, but know you would benefit more from doing it in community? Or have you been struggling to create a regular practice altogether?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, I invite you to join me for regular Erotic Breathwork practice. Part of my commitment for self-care this year is to consistently do my morning Erotic Breathwork at least 3 times a week, and to do a longer Erotic Breathwork session once a week. I’m offering to lead you in a regular Erotic Breathwork exercise, as well as a monthly longer session that includes Q & A time as well as some optional free-writing after The Big Draw. Experiment with different techniques to create a daily Erotic Breathwork practice that meets your unique needs. Benefit from the exponential healing effect of Breathwork done in community.

Joining the practice group will give you access to a members-only online forum.

This practice group is only open to those who have taken a workshop (in person or online) or have had individual sessions with me.

Weekly Morning Practice 8:00am PST (20mins)

The Monday morning practice will always be The Body Scan from feet to head. If you choose the Practice O’ Plenty package, the Wednesday & Friday morning practices will vary, and may include: energy center to energy center breathing, shielding, The Body Scan from head to feet, or any other techniques taught in one of my workshops or exercises I’ve used with former clients. (for this package you can attend 1, 2, or all 3 morning practice)

Monthly Practice 11:00am PST (60mins)

The 4th Saturday of every month we’ll do a longer session including all 3 techniques, including optional free-writing time after the Big Draw. We’ll begin with a conversation about how your practice is going: your successes, your challenges, and what kind of support the community can offer you. And I’ll answer any questions that have come up for you.

Weekly Saturday Practice 11:00am PST(30mins)

1st-3rd Saturdays we’ll do a longer session that includes all 3 techniques, including optional free-writing time after the Big Draw.


Lean Mean Breath Machine

  • Weekly Monday morning practice

  • 4th Saturday practice


Saturday Only

  • Weekly Saturday practice

  • 4th Saturday Practice


Practice O’ Plenty

  • Weekly Monday, Wednesday, & Friday morning practice

  • 1st-3rd Saturday practice

  • 4th Saturday practice

Sign up whenever you wish, there’s no deadline.
group starts February 4th.

Practice Group Options

Like most of my events, these practice groups are QTPOC-centered (not QTPOC-exclusive). This means that anyone is welcome regardless of race, color, ethnicity, sexual preference/orientation, or gender; but that White Heteronormativity does not take center stage. Instead the group is focused on the needs, safety, and desires of Queer & Trans People Of Color.