“Healing yourself is connected with healing others.”
Healers, your work has never been more vital. As communities grapple with the fallout of yet another election that exposes the inhumane cost of capitalism, systemic oppression, and the erosion of protections for marginalized groups, healers will be at the forefront of holding and mending the collective pain. Your role as a guide for transformation is essential—but how can you show up for your community if you’re depleted?
Are you bringing your whole self to your healing work?
Are you feeling drained by your healing work or think it’s inevitable that you will some day?
Has your authentic relationship with your own body been impacted by the healing work you do with others?
Are you in touch with the pleasure you get from your healing work?
Are you getting enough pleasure in your personal life?
Are you feeling stuck in your practice?
You know you were born to help other people transform their lives, and you get a sense of satisfaction being able to help people. But you’re starting to feel a little drained, and a little stuck, not sure what’s missing. You feel like you’re giving so much to your clients that there’s less & less left over for your own healing. You’re focused on marketing, and honing your skills, and hustling to get clients, and all the administrative tasks necessary to keep your practice afloat. You feel less connected to your body in your personal life, and have less energy for the things that give you pleasure. You feel like your own pleasure should be separate from your healing work.
But pleasure is not only healing, pleasure is also empowering. We tend to think that intentionally prioritizing our pleasure is selfish, or taking something away from our clients. But when we are intentional about our pleasure, we have more energy, more power to pull from. When we make space for experiencing pleasure in our personal lives, we have more resilience for our healing work.
Join me & other politicized healers for a 5-week course to learn how to identify & ethically seek pleasure in your healing work, and become more intentional about prioritizing pleasure in your personal life. You will learn breathing techniques to access your erotic energy & circulate it through your body; you will create and/or refine your pre & post-session rituals to deliberately evoke pleasure; and you will create pleasure rituals to integrate into your personal life. You will leave with an understanding of the erotic as a tool & a resource to increase the impact of your healing work with your clients as you enhance your own healing.
BY the end of this course, you will:
Be able to use the breath to connect to your erotic energy
Have 1 or more pleasure rituals to integrate into your personal & professional life
Create/refine a pre & post session ritual to invoke pleasure
Know how to create effective shielding for your sessions
Articulate your ethical boundaries as a healer
Attendee testimonials
“The container was very safe, boundaries were clear, and M'Kali Hashiki's integrity and ability to hold space for and with others was super apparent and strong.”
“I also learned how to centre myself in ways that have improved my work.“
“I actually felt like a new person leaving the workshop.”
“I learned that my body has all the information I need to take my next best step in engaging pleasure in my practice.”
Registration Rates
Instead of a sliding scale I have 3 different payment tiers. All tiers give access to the same information/attention. There is nothing you have to prove to me about your financial situation, I don't ask for your tax returns or pay stubs. I simply ask that you do some honest reflection about your current financial reality from a mindset of abundance rather than one of scarcity & then choose the tier meets that reality.
The tiers are named as they are to reflect the amount of “green” you have access to. The Meadow Tier is my “market rate”; Garden Tier is for those for whom market rate would be a hardship; and Savanna Tier is for those with abundant discretionary income.
Savanna Tier $487
Meadow Tier $375
Garden Tier $300
Practice Pals: register with a buddy & you’ll each save 33% on the Meadow Tier Rate!
Payment plans, limited Pay-What-You-Can & limited work-trade slots available. There is also a small scholarship fund for POC who would not otherwise be able to attend.
your guide for this journey
I’m M’kali-Hashiki, and I’ve been engaged in healing work in one way or another my entire adult life—professionally since 2004. I’m a Certified Sexological Bodyworker; a Certified Sound, Voice, & Music Healer; and a Certified Tantric Sacred Intimate. I offer group intensives, and erotic empowerment coaching for individuals, couples, and triads. Learn more about me as a person in the video. Learn more about my experience & philosophy here.
Frequently Asked Questions:
When does this class take place? How long is each session?
This class meets 5 times starting Saturday January 18 at 3pm PST (Click here to convert to your time zone). Each session is 90minutes.
There are also “office hours”, 1 hour each week at varying times if you need more support.
How many people will be in the course?
To keep the group as intimate as possible, there is a limit of 15 attendees.
Who is this class designed for?
Anyone who is working individually with people to help them transform their lives and wants to better harness their erotic energy & understand eros’ place in healing. This includes but is not limited to sexual/erotic healers, chiropractors, sexworkers, personal trainers, massage therapists, coaches, energyworkers, nutritional consultants, therapists, reiki practitioners, tarot readers, & acupuncturists.
Also, because this is a group program, you need to play well with others & have the capacity for kindness for other people's stuck places.
Who is this space not for?
This space is not for folx harboring a hierarchical value system for human bodies’ worth. This is not a space for people invested in isms/phobia (including but not limited to less commonly mentioned ones: transphobia/erasure; anti-sexworker beliefs/equating sexwork with sex-trafficking; fatphobia).
This is NOT a good fit for you if you are in a tumultuous time of life; moving, new job, new baby, etc. To receive all the benefit, you need to be able to dedicate time and energy to the practices.
How can I be sure this material will be relevant for me?
In addition to making sure that this course is the right fit for you, I also want to make sure that is a space where all attendees will feel comfortable enough to be vulnerable. If this sounds like a course that will be helpful for you, click the “Schedile a Vibe Check” button. The purpose of the chat is to make sure that this material will be relevant for where you are in your life. I don’t want you to waste your time with a course you won’t get any use out of. You won’t be asked to part with your money until you’re sure this is the course for you.
Who will be in the group?
Ideally, this group will be a multiracial, mixed age, mixed gender, mixed sexual orientation space. The group is Queer & Trans People of Color-centered, meaning that it is centered around the lived experiences of folx in those communities (QTPOC are not a monolith). The group is also explicitly welcoming to folks who are older, fat, disabled, single, current/former sexworkers or in any way a part of historically marginalized communities. No bullshit will be tolerated. If you aren't cool being in a group with any of these, please don't apply.
What happens when the course is over?
You’ll have a readily accessible source of energy to sustain your work. You’ll feel more present in both your personal & professional lives. Your connection to pleasure will have a transformative effect on your practice & your clients. You’ll have a community of other radical healers changing the world.
I won’t be able to make each session, is that ok?
I’ve designed this course to integrate flexibly into busy lives and schedules. Because this is an online course, all of our course sessions will be recorded, so you can always listen later if you can’t make a session live. You’ll also be able to tailor your practice activities in between course sessions to the schedule that works best for you because our course interactions will all take place online. Whether you’re on vacation, at home, or out working at a coffee shop, the course contents and platform will be accessible you.
I’m not familiar with the online environment. Do I need technical skills to participate?
Actually, it’s really simple to engage in an online course! All you need is an internet connection and a computer, or a tablet (preferably with a keyboard, but that’s up to you). We’ll be using Zoom for each session and “office hours”. We’ll be using an optional bulletin board, a google-group email list to stay in touch during classes, and may use flipgrid to record brief videos (it’s sort of like Marco Polo, but specifically for “classrooms”).
How much time can I expect this course to take?
I’ve worked to create a manageable course. Each week, we’ll be in a course session for 90minutes and I will suggest additional practice and reflection work for you to engage. Depending on you, these practices could take you an hour, or several hours—relative to the time you have and the way you work. With the addition of some time spent online connecting with your course mates and posting your thoughts in the private forum, I expect this course could take 3-5 hours a week—or as much as you’d like to give it. Of course, the more you put in, the more you’ll get out.
I’m in Indiana/Australia/Buenos Aires: can I participate?
Yes! All you need is an internet connection and a device with a camera (laptop/desktop/smartphone/tablet)!
I’m completely strapped for time. Are you going to offer this again?
Probably. It may also become an ecourse.
What kind of environment do you create?
I pay a lot of attention to the careful creation of containers, in which bodies can feel safe enough and relaxed enough to speak openly. Personally, I am non-judgmental, super accepting, and kind. I expect all the participants in this group to be so as well. It is a risk for everyone to show up vulnerably, and trust the group to hold them, so we will do our very best to make sure you are well met. If anything comes up that is distressing to someone in the group, every effort will be made to ensure they feel safe and welcome, even if at a growth edge. I do distinguish between safety and comfort, and know that most of our profound transformative learning comes at that intersection.
What's your refund policy?
There are no refunds once you have signed up for the program. This program is designed for folks who are ready to make a serious change in their professional lives, and the financial commitment is an important component of sticking with yourself. Please be certain before you sign up.
What if I want to work with you one-on-one?
The course will be a great introduction to my guiding principles and to how I hold space as a facilitator. If you like, you will be able to continue working with me after the course is over (all attendees will receive a discount code for individual coaching programs).
If having read this far, you’re sure that you’d be better served working one-on-one with me, please click here to schedule a consultation.
Please read the policies completely. Then schedule a Vibe Check, so we can both be sure that this is the right space for you.
Course Container Policies
You agree to participate fully, and remain engaged for the duration of the course. If you are unable to do so, you agree to email your intention to leave to M’kali-Hashiki.
You agree to participate in all assignments and activities in ways that feel useful and relevant to you. You agree to modify assignments to meet your needs. If you get stuck, you agree to let M’kali-Hashiki know as soon as possible.
You agree to complete your homeplay assignments each week.
You agree to communicate directly with M’kali-Hashiki ASAP if you have any questions or concerns.
You agree to not share the content of this class without asking and receiving M'kali-Hashiki's permission. This includes not teaching these techniques to your clients.
You agree to having each session recorded. If the recordings are used for other online educational purposes, your likeness & voice will be edited out.
You will communicate any disability access needs and respect the access needs of others.
As we come together in sacred community, one of the most useful gifts is the one of feedback. Please use the following criteria to discern and distill the feedback you give.
Ask yourself:
Is it helpful?
Is it timely?
Is it kind?
More on the word “kind.” In the context that it is used here, it means feedback given with the intention to support that person's learning as opposed to tear someone down.
If the answer to these questions is "Yes," please share that feedback.
If there are things in that feedback that trouble you, the invitation is to be with that discomfort for a little bit.
Culture of Welcome and Belonging:
The group is explicitly QTIPOC-Centered, meaning that the desires, lived experiences, and safety of Queer & Trans & Intersex People Of Color are centered; meaning that Whiteness, Cisness*, & heterosexuality are not the “default” human states, and that those experiences will not be centered at the expense of others. If you are White and/or Cishet* (or cis* & queer), please be mindful of the ways that your privilege impacts the safety of others, and be mindful of whether you can be comfortable in an intimate setting when you are not the “default human”.
We all have been inundated with kyriarchical** messages & may unconsciously replicate those viewpoints when communicating. When that happens, space will be made for anyone to be lovingly called-in (including M’kali-Hashiki). If called-in, you understand that this calling-in is a gift to stretch your understanding of the world & invite you to be in solidarity with people living in bodies marginalized or multiply marginalized by The State; you agree to take time and check in with your body for somatic signs of defensiveness (clenched jaw or butthole, tightness in chest, a halt in breathing, etc), and to relax those parts before responding. If doing the calling-in, you agree to give the person time to respond. If you need support around being called-in or doing the calling-in, you may reach out to M’kali-Hashiki for that support.
With that said, anyone using overtly bigoted language (racist, homophobic, fat shaming, slut shaming, transphobic, ableist, sexist, etc.) in communicating with an individual or in the group will be withdrawn from the course immediately, and no refunds will be given.
If you have questions, concerns or comments, about anything said in the sessions please contact M'kali-Hashiki immediately.
All bodies are welcome in our CyberCircle: trans bodies, thin bodies, old bodies, cis bodies, intersex bodies, gender non-conforming bodies, currently-abled bodies, fat bodies, disabled bodies, young bodies, bodies of any class, religion, or spiritual tradition. While there's no way to guarantee that all bodies will be represented in each CyberCourse, it is my intention to have a diverse & welcoming space—so if you have problems being in community with any of the aforementioned types of bodies my events are not the right space for you.
As part of creating a culture of welcoming & belonging, everyone is expected to self-monitor & to take risks: if you are someone who usually talks a lot in group settings, you agree to take this opportunity to exercise & strengthen your listening & witnessing muscles; if you are someone who usually is quiet, you agree to take this opportunity to exercise & strengthen your communication muscles.
Refund Policy
There are no refunds once you have signed up for the program. This program is designed for folks who are ready to make a serious transformation in their lives, and the financial commitment is an important component of sticking with yourself. And really, the program is worth a lot more than what I’m charging, and it's a big pain in the butt to deal with refunds. That said, if you go all of the way through the course, come to all of the calls and complete all of the assignments and you end up not feeling like you got value out of it, I'll split the difference with you, and send you half of what you paid.
What Is A Healer? #1/4
What Is Healing? #2/4
What Is Erotic Embodiment? #3/4
Why Is Erotic Embodiment Important For Healers? #4/4