“Stay calm, and take an Anal Breath”
Many traditions have the concept of an “energy body” that exists around our physical body. Different traditions have different beliefs about how large that energy body is.
People living in bodies marginalized or multiply-marginalized by The State and other survivors of trauma often have smaller energetic containers. Whether we have been punished directly or indirectly for "taking up too much space", or whether we try to remain unnoticed to avoid further truama; we shrink ourselves as a form of protection. One side effect of that shrinking is that we don't often have the energetic space to hold all of our emotions, especially when our Spidey Senses are telling us we're in danger--like when a fascist sex offender who has vowed to target us is elected President. We feel overwhelmed by it all, and we can shut down or disassociate just in order to cope.
It’s not just our opposable thumbs that make us human, it’s the complexity & the variety of our emotions. When we have to repress or suppress emotions just to make it through the day, we lose a little bit of our humanity.
In this workshop we will use the breath to “make some room”, creating a larger, more resilient energy body. that will help you stay grounded through the coming chaos.
your guide for this journey
I’m M’kali-Hashiki, and I’ve been engaged in healing work in one way or another my entire adult life—professionally since 2004. I’m a Certified Sexological Bodyworker; a Certified Sound, Voice, & Music Healer; and a Certified Tantric Sacred Intimate. I offer group intensives, and erotic empowerment coaching for individuals, couples, and triads. Learn more about me as a person in the video. Learn more about my experience & philosophy here.
The event is explicitly QTIPOC-Centered, meaning that the desires, lived experiences, and safety of Queer & Trans & Intersex People Of Color are centered; meaning that Whiteness, Cisness*, & heterosexuality are not the “default” human states, and that those experiences will not be centered at the expense of others. If you are White and/or Cishet* (or cis* & queer), please be mindful of the ways that your privilege impacts the safety of others, and be mindful of whether you can be comfortable in an intimate setting when you are not the “default human”.
All bodies are welcome in our CyberCircle: trans bodies, thin bodies, old bodies, cis bodies, intersex bodies, gender non-conforming bodies, currently-abled bodies, fat bodies, disabled bodies, young bodies, bodies of any class, religion, or spiritual tradition. While there's no way to guarantee that all bodies will be represented in every event, it is my intention to have a diverse & welcoming space—so if you have problems being in community with any of the aforementioned types of bodies my events are not the right space for you.