Moon Molt
Full Moon Solo Sex Magic Ritual
“Your body is both tome & temple. Pleasure is the Prayer.”
What Is Magic?
Magic is simply using the unseen to shape the seen.
In Ritual, you use your will to manifest your desires. There are many ways to raise magical energy & focus your will: Sex Magic is just one of them. While a lot of Sex Magic is done in dyads or groups, Solo Sex Magic is just as powerful of a tool. Solo Sex Magic done in a group creates an even more powerful pool of energy for the individual spellcaster to pull from.
Why the Full Moon?
The Full Moon is the point in the Moon’s cycle just before it starts to wane (the visible part becoming smaller). While you can do successful magic at any time of the month, using the natural cycle of the moon gives your spells an extra “push”. Since the Full Moon then starts to wane, ritual done during this time tends to focus on the things you want less of in your life, the things you’re ready to banish or let go of.
What are the things keeping you from being fulling grounded in your body? What keeps you from experiencing embodied physical pleasure without guilt or shame? What keeps you from reveling in the inherently sacred nature of your body?
White Supremacy & Colonization are at the root of many of the harmful messages we take in about our body, its capacity for pleasure, and its inherent value. So while participants are not obligated to use this time to spiritually divest from White Supremacy, disconnecting from the ways White Supremacy and Colonization have stunted our erotic growth is a foundational aspect of this ritual (while none of my events are exclusively for white accomplices, this ritual came about due to repeated requests from white accomplices for something like Moonkin. So white accomplices are explicitly invited to join while being mindful that this ritual is intended as a supplement to anti-racism work you do in the rest your life; not a substitute for it).
Just as a bird loses old damaged feathers to make way for new healthy ones, this ritual is a sacred space to shed that which keeps our erotic selves stagnant to make space for that which transforms us into embodied, juicy, empathetic, interdependently connected beings.
Why a group ritual?
The benefit of taking transformative steps in community with others cannot be overstated. Healing together allows us to more quickly reframe our understanding of our body, our sexual expression, our spirituality, and the sacredness of the entirety of our physical container. The myth of individualism—one of the foundational tenets of White Supremacy—is killing us; figuratively & literally. A community of people exploring & expressing the divinity of their body & the sacredness of pleasure is a thorn in the side of the death cult of late stage capitalism that we find ourselves in.
What happens in the Ritual?
Rituals do not run strictly in “mundane time”, but here is the basic structure
Ancestor Invocation
Energy Build through breath, facilitated and then self-directed self-touch focused on the genitalia and/or erogenous zones
Focused Energy Beam
Vision Journey
Cameras may be on for first 4 parts of the ritual, and will then be shut off after Introductions.
When Do The RItuals Happen?
2025 Full Moon Rituals 6:30pm - 8:30pm PST:
Wednesday, February 12
Saturday, April 12
Wednesday, June 11
Saturday, August 09
Monday, October 06
Thursday, December 04
The Ache Di* for each ritual is $33 ($165 if you commit to all 6)
You do not have to have any experience with rituals or sex magic. You do have to believe that magic exists, and that you have the power to shape the world to your liking.
*The easiest translation for Ache Di would be “registration fee”. It’s also a completely inaccurate one.
Since each ritual is limited to 15, and we’ll be in an intimate cybercircle, I’d like to have a “vibe check” with you to make sure this group is a good fit.
My Experience
I did my very first solo sex magic ritual in 1997 or 1998 & it was wildly successful.
My background in magick goes back to my early teen years of calling myself a witch and being one of the only 2 girls in my playgroup who could get the Ouija Board pointer to move. I got into Dianic Witchcraft when I came out as a dyke in 1988, but that soon felt too White for me. It was around that time that I got my hands on a copy of Jambalaya by Luisah Teish & it spoke to me on a very foundational level. For many years after I would do a modified version of the house-cleaning ritual outlined in the book (I still do).
A couple of decades later I found myself through a series of “coincidences” in the Ifa Temple headed by Luisah Teish, and named as a child of Yemaya. I’m also really clear that my work mostly fall’s into Oshun’s realm & I call on her at the beginning of my sessions & classes.
In 2016 I led New Moon Money Pouring rituals in my house for several months. In 2018, I led new moon & full moon rituals on Alameda Beach in CA. For a while during the early parts of the pandemic, I did New Moon Money Pouring online with a group of friends.
My goal is to have a life where I spend the New Moon & Full Moon in ritual space. I also seek to create a community of qtibipoc & accomplices who want to dive deep into the magical power of pleasure to design the lives we desire & deserve.