Oppression requires the suppression of the erotic. There are all kinds of ways to fight back.
— M'kali-Hashiki
My Training

San Francisco Sex Information (SFSI) Sex Educator Training: 2004—SFSI Staff

Massage 101: 2005—Chester Mainard  

Pelvic Release Massage: 2005—Chester Mainard

Conscious Breathing: 2005—Chester Mainard

Massage Therapist Certification: 2005—Chester Mainard, Joe Weston

Deep Tissue Massage: 2007—Chester Mainard

Sexological Bodywork Certification: 2007—Joseph Kramer, Chester Mainard, Chris Maxwell Rose

Intro to Energy Healing: 2007—Jim Gilkeson

LomiLomi Intensive: 2007—Tamara Mondragon

Sound, Voice, & Music Healing Certification: 2007—Silvia Nakkach, et al. 

Intro to Cranio-Sacral: 2008—McKinnon School of Massage

Music Healing Advanced Practicum: 2008—Silvia Nakkach, et al. 

Sacred Intimacy Through A Tantric Lens: 2014—Alex Jade, Jay Craver, Lizz Randall, Mark Fleming

Acucraniatsu™: 2016—McKinnon School of Massage

Intimacy Coordination Training: on hiatus—IDC Professionals & Theatrical Intimacy Education


My Affiliations

Project Prepare: 2008-Present—Gynecological Teaching Associate, GTA Trainer

Badass Visionary Healers: 2012-2014—Founding Collective Member

GLBT Historical Society: 2007-2008—Volunteer & Intern Coordinator

OUTFund: 2000-2004—Funding Panel Member. Funding Panel Co-chair 

Haymarket People's Fund: 1999-2002—Development Associate, Funding Panel Liaison

Sojourner: The Women's Forum: 1999—Interim Arts Editor

OUTWrite: 1996-1998—Conference Director 

National Gay & Lesbian Task Force: 1992-1996—Receptionist, Volunteer Coordinator, Fight The Right Associate, Conference Staff, Assistant Conference Director, Queer Youth Organizing Retreat Coordinator